Thursday, September 24, 2009

Letter 1 to my brother

Angel guidance for my brother

1. Beauty

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world, so focus on the beauty within yourself, your good qualities, your kindness, your gifts and talents. Remember that whatever you give attention to increases and grow. Seek beauty in others. Surround yourself with beautiful things and people. As you tune more and more into the incredible wonder of yourself, others and the planet, you will become to resonate that wonder and beauty.

2. Surrender

I now ask my angels to speak to your higher self to dissolve all the resistance of your ego (the inner conflicts, the struggles, your mental overdrive and your habits) so that you can enjoy your life with higher truth and joy.

When you surrender to the guidance of your higher self, all the energy you have been using in defending and resistance will become available to you. Your rewards will be love, inner peace, acceptance, self-acceptance, harmony and wisdom. The angels will support you all the way.

3. Archangel Gabriel

He works on the white ray for grace and purification> It is time to release old memories, ingrained habits and mental patterns which lower your vibrations.

Archangel Gabriel will bring order and discipline into your life so that everything runs smoothly. You can call on him to bring you clarity and joy.

You are a beautiful light and wise spirit. Your outer material / mental / ego disguise your true self. Surround yourself by pure white light. Let your spirit emerge and fly.

From your little brother

With love


Shakti Gawain in The Four Levels of Healing

“The essence of emotional healing is this: being in touch with what you are feeling, being able to say honestly what you are feeling to at least one other human being, and having that person respond with empathy, as in “Oh, I understand.” This lets us know that we’re not bad, wrong or crazy for feeling what we feel and that we’re not alone in our experience.”

“When we were infants and children we had many strong feelings. What we needed was to have people acknowledge and respond to these feelings in appropriate ways. For example, we needed to hear things like, “I understand that you’re very upset”, or “I can see that you’re feeling really sad.” In essence, as children we needed reflection and validation of our feelings from our parents, families, teachers and the surrounding world. We needed to be assured that we have a right to our feelings, that they aren’t wrong or bad. We needed to feel that others can understand and empathize with us when we experience strong feelings. We needed to be allowed to have our own feeling experience. No matter how hard parents tried – and they all do the best they can – children inevitable experience some degree of emotional hurt, neglect, and abandonment. Because we’re so vulnerable as children, we are deeply wounded by these experiences and carry them inside us for the rest of our lives, or until we do our conscious emotional healing work.” Page 55.

“It’s important to get in touch with the needs underneath our feelings, and to learn how to communicate those needs effectively. Underneath most of our emotions are our basic needs for love, acceptance, security, and self-esteem. We need to know the vulnerable child who still lives deep inside each of us; and to learn to become the loving parent our own inner child requires. If we want to experience the full range of our being in this life time, we need to commit ourselves to heal the emotional wounds from our childhood and early life.” Page 56.

“Our cultural conditioning tells us that we should be self-sufficient and in control, that it’s shameful and embarrassing to need help. Some of us may feel that we are “smart enough to figure it out for ourselves”. As I stressed before, you cannot think your way out of your emotional wounding.” Page 58.

“Emotional healing is an ongoing process. We move through it layer by layer, sometimes gently, sometimes intensely. Everyone is different, and we each have our own rhythm and timing.”

Here’s the good news: Emotional healing really does work! It is possible, in time, to heal the old emotional wounds so that they are no longer painful feelings we try to run away from or stuff down inside of us. Instead our painful past experiences can ripen into deep wisdom. In the process, we can learn to become comfortable with all our emotions and bring them into a natural healing balance.” Page 60.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


When I am nice to others, my inner child asks,

“but what about me?”

“When do I get attention?”

The angel wisdom today guides me to be kind to myself, to focus on my inner beauty, to use my skill and talents for the common good. Then I can overcome my resistance to people telling what to do, people giving me instructions.

Unless my own needs are satisfied, I won’t satisfy others’, I won’t co-operate, I won’t leave the power struggles, conflict and competition behind.

Who are responsible for satisfying my own needs?

I am.

I must be aware, I must accept myself with my need for nurturing and love. I must pay attention to myself; I must appreciate myself; I must be affectionate to myself; I must allow myself.

Thank you angels.

I now want to surround myself with things and people with a beautiful vibration

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Angel wisdom tells me to find my inner wisdom. Angel wisdom also tells me to let go of attachments, attachments to people and everything.

My inner wisdom guides me to realize that I have attachments to the dramas of the people around me in my life: The infidelity drama, the divorce drama, the anorexic drama, the drama of the sick doctor and her ex, the drama of the wounded brother; the wounded brother in law, the repressed sister, siblings in denial, the nieces, the nephews ….

All these dramas, although valuable mirrors, I now let go. I value these dramas as mirrors, but I will no longer be attached to them, or the outcomes thereof. It is not my shit.

My attachment to these dramas prevents me from looking deeper into myself. I feel good when I see how other people fuck up, and pat myself on the back because …. “I have grown so much”. This then becomes an attachment to my own “journey of spiritual and emotional growth”. Unconscious arrogance!

I want to reclaim my own power, my own authenticity, I want to feel the pure me, I want to listen to the wisdom of my soul. I release everyone and everything. I recognize my beauty and that of others.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Intimate adult relationships

"An intimate adult commitment is based on informed consent:

'I know the architecture of your ego and the unlit corners of your shadows, and I commit to you with my eyes wide open. The territoriality and competitiveness of ego are loosening in me. Before, I wanted to possess you to gratify my ego. Now I dispossess myself of ego to strengthen our relationship.' "

David Richo in How to be Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving

Thursday, August 27, 2009


So, I can help him by surrendering to the flow of life, by exploring my creativity and by being confident and worthwhile.

In short, by changing my role, (my childhood roles of being the youngest, the favourite, the one with no voice, the one that was bullied, the one they were jealous of) by being brilliant, creative, humble, authentic, surrendering to my Higher Self; I set clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them or manipulate me.

I have said my piece, now it is his responsibility to respond, or not to. All I can do is let him see the golden aura radiating from me, the changes in me. I am a co-creator. The angels flood my life with higher truth and joy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


My vision is to live in truth: Truth to myself, my Higher Self, and to all that I am connected to. Commitment and discipline to this vision will bring me freedom. I direct every thought, word and action towards this truth, for the highest good of all concerned. Angels, please help me on this journey.